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Hard choices in a post-Christian world

It may take time, but it’s hard for a Catholic educator to publicly praise the work of nuns who have bravely leaped “beyond Jesus” without drawing some flak.

Friend a suspected thief. Should we tell?

My husband and I have a good friend, “Steve,” who is a manager at a company where my husband used to work.
Fly fishing heaven with a stone fly hatch

Fly fishing heaven with a stone fly hatch

The window above me is awhirl with the 10th micro blizzard of our third awful April in a row.

Daughter-in-law cold-hearted, cruel

My 29-year-old son and his wife have two young children. My oldest grandson and I were very close.

It’s a small world — ask Kevin Bacon

Two people are sitting in a bar on some other planet when an alien turns to an Earthling and says, “You’re from Earth? Say, do you know Joe Smith?”

There are several ways to grow a vegetable garden

Vegetables should be planted by anyone that enjoys eating fresh vegetables and gardening.

Medicinal advantages of the lowly dandelion

American poet and philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson asked, “What is a weed?” He answered, “A plant’s whose virtue has yet to be discovered.”

Email discloses naughty behaviour

Five months ago, my girlfriend went to a job conference in Texas. When she came back, she used my computer and accidentally left her email open.

My mean parents are treating me unfairly

I am 13 years old and the oldest of four children. Lately, things have gone downhill for me. My schoolwork load is horrible, and my parents put me down all the time.

Referrals can help generate prospects

Every business should have four to five strategies to generate new prospects. In the last column I described one strategy, strategic alliances.